There are now 4 types of Golems to be defeated.
- Rock Golem (Level 1* - 25)
- Greater Golem (Level 26 - 35)
- Ancient Golem (Level 36 - 55)
- Supreme Golem (Level 56+)
*The spawn area of the Golems (middle of your home island) must be revealed/explored to see the Golem. You can see Golem with level 1, but level 19 is required to fight against Golems!
Respawn & different Golems
It takes 16 hours for a Golem to respawn after you defeated one.
Each Golem type has 5 difficulty levels. The same Golem gets stronger until you defeated him for the 5th time.
After you defeated the 5th (most difficult) Golem of one type, the next Golem type will show up, corresponding with your level. If you didn't level up to a new level range, a Golem with the 5th Golem's values will keep respawning.
You are level 55:
- Defeat 5 Rock Golems in order to get a Greater Golem.
- Defeat 5 Greater Golems in order to get an Ancient Golem.
- The 5th Ancient Golem will respawn until you have reached level 56.
You are level 28:
- Defeat 5 Rock Golems in order to get a Greater Golem.
- Defeat 5 Greater Golems.
- The 5th Greater Golem will respawn until you have reached level 36.
In order to destroy the Golems, you need to produce specific buffs in the Provision House.

Name: Purified Water
Golem type: Rock Golem
Production Resources: 20 Water, 20 Copper ore

Name: Enriched Water
Golem type: Greater Golem
Production Resources: 40 Water, 20 Iron ore

Name: Holy Water
Golem type: Ancient Golem
Production Resources: 60 Water, 20 Titanium ore

Name: Glistening Water
Golem type: Supreme Golem
Production Resources: 100 Water, 20 Platinum ore
The way a Golem is defeated was changed slightly. Your friends can still help you in doing so, but you have to finish the Golem by clicking a new button in the Golem window.
Important: The Golem can be "over-buffed".
Example: If it needs just 1 more buff to get defeated, you and your friends will still be able to apply more buffs which no further effect.
Finish it!
When the Golem's HP has reached zero, the monster does not die immediately. It only enables the button for finally finishing it for the player who summoned it (island owner). The button cannot be pressed by any friend.