gamescom 2016 - Meet us at the Ubisoft Lounge (hall 6.1 - corridor C)
Dear Settlers,
From 17 to 21 August, Europe's biggest games event will take place in Cologne again: The gamescom.
More than 800 exhibitors from 50 countries present their games on more than 140.000 square meters.
"The Settlers Online" is, of course, once again available for you during this year's gamescom!
Same place, new content: Ubisoft games can be seen in a big area within hall 6.1.
The Ubisoft Lounge is located close to Ubisoft's main stage. We are looking forward to meeting you:
Our community team and Game Designers are ready for some rounds of Q&A and will present the latest "Excelsior" feature in detail.
All times mentioned below are local times of the fair = CEST (Central European Summer Time).
Special Sunday
After the huge success of the 2015 "Community Day" we want to meet our fan site members and biggest fans again!
Meet more than a dozen representatives of well-known fan sites and famous contributors of TSO fan art!
Loot for you
Grab an awesome "TSO" cup (the best and last cup you'll ever need) and brand new drip mats!
Of course we will also provide gift codes each day. Keep an eye on our
Facebook page!
Some impressions // Q&A sessions
Buzzer game & proud owners of our "The Settlers Online" cup
Happy gamescom!

Hall 6.1 - floor C