Results of the recent Community Vote
Dear worldwide voters,
Thanks for the participation! The data from all language versions has been processed, checks and calculations are done.
These are the results of the most recent world wide Community Vote on the upcoming changes in the Guild Market offers.
The results are combined (weighted) results from all instances.
Name: Improved Farm (2 per player, not giftable, tradeable) *
Votes: 52,7%
Rank: 1
This item will be part of the next guild shop version.
Rank 2: General Bighelmet 27.0%* Important
Rank 3: Silo 20.3%
The amount of purchases of this item via Guild Market will be limited.
It doesn't matter if you already acquired the same building in the past.
Items that made it into the next guild market batch.
Name: Island of the Pirates
Votes: 12.40%
Rank: 1
Name: Salt Enrichment
Votes: 11,59%
Rank: 2
Name: Mysterious Adventure Box
Votes: 10.56%
Rank: 3
Name: Iron Ore Extractor
Votes: 9.82%
Rank: 4
Name: Chocolate Pralines
Votes: 9.40%
Rank: 5
Name: Exotic Fruit Basket
Votes: 9.18%
Rank: 6
Name: Packed Wheatfield Deed
Votes: 8.88%
Rank: 7
Name: Surprise Attack
Votes: 8.20%
Rank: 8
Items that won't be added:Rank 09: Outlaws (Adventure) 6,43%
Rank 10: Foreign Settler Family (Resources) 5,20%
Rank 11: Rabbit Food (Refiller) 4,90%
Rank 12: Whirlwind (Adventure) 3,42%
It is planned to implement the Guild market changes with one of the next game versions, most likely in April.
You want to provide feedback and share your opinion?
Please use this dedicated feedback thread
Happy Settling!