Fortunately, Orowa had developed a pronounced sense of smell through years of practice and the bandits don't take hygiene seriously at all. Orowa's nose leads the group around the ruins and further into the middle of the dreaded Coop Triangle until they reach a cruciform island.
"Let's surround the bandits," Orowa commands. Nobody protests, not even Intrepid Explorer who seems too preoccupied at the moment.
"But for heaven's sake be very quiet and keep your swords drawn!," Orowa adds.
The bandits don't like trespassers and the group meets heavy resistance. Since Orowa is on their side, they thought they had the advantage. However, what they expected to be a quick victory turned into a long-drawn battle.
Eventually, the bandits were forced into submission one by one and those left standing threw down their weapons.
Only the bandit leader, Brandubh, the black raven, is left standing. Determined to defend his rightfully captured treasure with his life but when a ghost emerged out of nowhere, even this evil-looking fellow turned tail and ran into the darkness.
What does he leave to our adventurers?
Unfortunately, their victory did not last long, because whirlwinds suddenly arose from all directions. Did they miss anything? Orowa falls down, his eyes turned white with dismay as he remembers the old stories about Brandubh. About his wild raids and his mastery of magic as a warlock.
The whirlwinds reach its full power and it rips everything apart in its way, blowing away the hinges of their camp.
They must come up with something and quickly. Orowa looks deeply into the helpless faces of his companions until all of a sudden, an idea flashed in his mind.
"Lovely Explorer, hand me the figurine!", Orowa yells. "Everyone, stand in a circle around the figurine!"
"If by any chance, we have no...", before Candid Explorer can finish the sentence, the group is swallowed by an intense flash of blue light.
A little later, the eye of what is probably the fiercest hurricane they have ever seen pulverized its way through their campsite.