In order to provide new bulk message handling options we've implemented functions to mark all messages by type. A new drop-down menu will be available next to the checkbox to mark all messages. You can check/mark all messages of the following types with one click:

- Adventure
- Read
- Unread
- Battle Report
- Buff
- Friend
- Gift
- Guild
- Gems
- Loot
- Trade
To handle those messages, new entries will be added to the context menu.
Alternatively, a new button will be implemented, we are still testing both ways:
- Delete
- Add all to star menu
- Add all to the mayor's house
This should lead to a much more efficient and simple way of sorting through your mail window; especially if you're an avid user of the Trading Office or a keen adventurer!
Important: Keep in mind that balancing, functionalities and optics may change until content from the test server hits the live servers.