Επιστροφή στο Forum : "The Pathfinder" - Dev Diary

06-05-16, 10:34
Dev Diary "The Pathfinder" - Nine new challenges a week for Level 70+


Dear Settlers,

With the upcoming game version in May, a new building will become available.


"The Pathfinder" - Ship ahoy!

Alright, it's actually a ship, not a building - but what's a ship if not a floating building? ;)


The story of Captain Mapparan continues! The quest chain "The Good Captain Part 7" unlocks as soon as "The Domino Effect" (level 69) is completed. After helping Captain Mapparan with some Titanium in Part 7, "The Good Captain Part 8" will be unlocked after reaching level 70, followed by Part 9 and Part 10. Successfully completing the quest chain will award the Captain's ship, "The Pathfinder"!

Basic features:

Provides 9 tasks each week
Tasks can be of a military, economic or social nature
Tasks reset: Weekly on Monday around 21:00 GMT

Grants rewards per task & a grand weekly reward
The grand reward is split into 3 tiers, depending on the amount of tasks finished:
Bronze (3/9 tasks), Silver (6/9 tasks) and Gold (all tasks).


After you've finished "The Good Captain Part 10", you will be awarded "The Pathfinder".
It can be built anywhere on a free water building spot.


To open the "Task building" menu, click on the ship.


Weekly bonus reward
The rewards are displayed in the upper left corner.
The bar below the rewards indicates if 1/3, 2/3 or 3/3 of the tasks have been finished.

Task list
A list of the tasks for the current week is available on the left hand side.
As soon as the requirements are met, the task will turn green.

Task details
An overview of the selected task is available on the right hand side, including progress and rewards.
Once the task is completed, the reward can be collected by clicking the tick /OK button.

The weekly bonus reward is received automatically when the task quest reward
of the third, sixth and ninth task quest has been collected.
This means all 3 grand rewards can be obtained by the same player in one week.


Tasks can be classified by difficulty or type.

Task difficulty

Easy Tasks
Can be normally solved within the day or require little action (e.g. Pay a small amount of goods).

Moderate Tasks
Need to be solved within approximately 3 days and require a bit more work (e.g. Obtain a moderate number of goods through explorer).

Advanced Tasks
Will need considerable effort and might even take up the whole week in some cases (e.g. Complete an adventure from an epic raid).

The rewards are proportionate to the effort and resources invested to complete the quest.

Task types

Military Tasks
Tasks which require using a general and/or military resources (e.g. Complete an adventure).

Economic Tasks
Tasks related to your economy.
They can be divided into Delivery, Production and Optimization tasks.

Delivery: Special resources and / or items have to be delivered (in a certain amount of time)
Production: A certain amount goods have to be produced
Optimization: Production has to be optimised by different means (e.g. upgrading, buffing)

Social Tasks
Can only be solved by interacting with other players.
There are three types of social tasks: Support, Adventure and Trade.

Support: Lending assistance to friends (e.g. buffing buildings, highlighting collectibles)
Adventure: Completing a multi-player adventure (e.g. co-op adventures)
Trade: Successfully trading resources with friends (by using direct trades or the Trade Office)


Q: Will all quests/rewards be completely different every week?
A: Preferably yes, but this is not a given. Some rewards and quests may be repeated in subsequent weeks.

Q: Do I have to be online every day to receive the tasks?
A: All tasks for that week are received on Monday around 21:00 GMT and each player can complete them at his own pace.

Q: Does "The Pathfinder" take up a building license?
A: No, "The Pathfinder" should not use any extra building licenses.

Q: What happens if I demolish the ship?
A: "The Pathfinder" finds its way into your Star Menu and can thus be rebuilt when demolished.

Q: Do I have to play PvP in order to complete the weekly tasks?
A: No. PvP tasks were included in the original iteration of the building, but this was reconsidered because of the player feedback received.

Q: Will PvP tasks be available in the future?
A: It is planned to add an option allowing players to enable or disable PvP tasks in accordance with their preferences and playing style. We hope for "The Pathfinder" to find a save haven at your island!
Feel free to share your feedback > here (http://forum.thesettlersonline.gr/threads/795).<

Happy Settling,