Επιστροφή στο Forum : Change log 16.06.2020

08-06-20, 16:25
Summer Event, Token Coinage, Pirate Flag flowerbed, a new bundle, new achievements and several fixes.



New Event: The Summer Event has been technically implemented into the game, which will kick-off on June 22nd!
New Event: Added Summer Adventure Season bonus to Split City adventures!
New General: A new specialist, "General Sylvana", is now available in the event shop!
New Bundle: Added the "All Round Package" to the event shop!
New Building: The Capacious Warehouse is now available in the event shop!
New Building: The Bakery Tribute can now be acquired through the event calendar and the merchant!
New Quests: 5 new daily event quests have been implemented!


New Building: Added "Pirate Flowerbed Flag" decoration to the event shop!
New Building: A new building, the "Token Coinage", is now available in the event shop.
Achievements: Added 9 new achievements associated with level 7 building upgrades.

Text: Added missing texts for Sunflower Fertilizer in the Star Menu.
Text: Fixed wrong Sunflower Farm description in the merchant. Now displays the correct duration of 90 minutes.
Graphics: Adjusted Friar Tribute positioning. It is now displayed in the centre of its occupied grids.
Graphics: The skill of the Mad Scientist now displays the correct symbol.
Buffs: Fixed an issue that prevented the Fairy Dust buff from working.

You are invited to provide feedback > here (https://forum.thesettlersonline.gr/threads/1648) <

10-06-20, 18:12

Dear Settlers,

This version also includes a solution for the Unknown Regions. Buffs are now applied correctly.

Stay safe and happy settling,